Sunday 3 August 2014

Goodbye July!! Part I

July was an absolute roller-coaster of a month.  We were here, there, and everywhere and barely had a day to relax.  So now I'm going to recap it all as best I can!!!

First, I'll just say, I know I've been really crumby at updating my blog this summer!  I'm finding things getting a tad more hectic the older Deacon gets.  When he was a little baby he was kind of more predictable with his naps and therefore I was able to fit in time to blog. Now, he's moving around, he's getting a lot more active and taking a lot more of my ever-abundant energy.  So when I have some downtown, you can find me napping or writing in my gratitude journal (which, by the way, has helped tremendously to bring me out of my mid-summer slump). 

OK so July began, as it does every year, with the celebration of our fabulous country's independence.  I had wanted to plan something super fun for Canada Day.  I'm not too keen on wading through throngs of people as is often the case for big Canada Day celebrations, so The Forks and Assiniboine Park were out of the question.  I decided on Gimli for the day.  Gimli is a favourite destination of ours because that's where Uncle Scotty lives.  Plus, they have the lake/beach, an awesome splash-pad, plenty of picnic space, and on Canada Day there was to be a parade and other activities in the park.  But, do we all remember how lovely the weather was leading up to this joyous occasion??  I do.  And I prayed for it to be over by Canada Day.  Thankfully, the rain was minimal while we watched the parade, but the wind was harsh and everything was wet and cold.  Anything on our picnic table that wasn't weighted down was blown irretrievably off into oblivion.  I was in such a bad mood, I think I actually shook my fist at the sky.

The following Sunday I attended a friend's wedding shower, which was so fun and a very much needed baby break.  Then, as soon as I got home on Sunday afternoon I (almost) literally threw Hayden, Deacon, and Rocky into the car with all our camping gear and high-tailed it out to Falcon Lake where all our family had their campers for the week.  Tyler left on his motorcycle before us as he had to be home a day early for work.  It was not the most pleasant car ride as Deacon cried a lot of the way.  Hayden "cried wolf" twice for potty stops, both times never actually peeing.  The mosquitoes were VERY pleased with our presence on the shoulder of the highway.  Camping was fun.  Since I was very small my most anticipated summer events have been camping trips with the Latta's. 

We came home from Falcon on Wednesday, relaxed for a couple days, then Friday we dropped Ty off at the airport and I couldn't help but be a little worried as he flew off to Las Vegas for our friend, Lee's, stag.  "Where is Daddy going?" asked little Hayden. "He's going to Las Vegas." I replied.  Hayden, hearing LOST instead of LAS said, "Is daddy lost in Vegas?".  Egad.

Trying my best to forget about Tyler in Las Vegas, I had a stagette of my own to attend! (not my own, but of my friend, Laine.)  Saturday, July 12, would mark my very first time witnessing the ridiculousness that is male stripping.  I can't say I'm chomping at the bit to experience that again.  But it completely fit the occasion.

Tyler made it home safe and sound on Monday.  Then that whole week I think I just tried to "get caught up on housework".  Try as I might, I am never caught up on housework.  There are always random toys and objects littered haphazardly around the entire house.  I could spend a whole day picking random objects/toys off the floor and returning them to their rightful places, only to find a whole new set of random objects/toys left in other random places when I'm "finished".  It never ends!  When I'm cleaning, my two main objectives are to keep the laundry done and the kitchen clean.  As long as I have those two area's taken care of, I can somewhat relax.  But looking at my floors makes me shudder.

Part II following very shortly!!!  Much love all!! xo Liza

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