Tuesday 5 August 2014

Goodbye July!! Part II

OK Reeewinnd!!! Before I continue my recap of wonderful July, I have to mention that I re-read Part I and realized that it might come across as negative to some.  That was not my intention at all and please know that my personal feeling towards our whole experience is very far from negative.  I am not going to lie, July was a challenging month: Ty was out of town a lot and we had a packed schedule.  I found myself stepping out of my parenting comfort zone on many occasions.  BUT with challenge comes growth and grow I did.  I am steadfastly approaching super mom status.

Also, I forgot to mention a very joyous reunion that took place between myself and my longest, dearest friend, Miss Sara Jolene.  She came home from Salt Spring Island for a few days during Folk Fest where she was working in the Hand-Made Village. (I love you Sara! xo)

July 19th marked the wedding day of our long time friend, Lee, to his wonderful fiance Mel. It was a beautiful wedding!! The weather was great.  All of our friends, new and old, were there from near and far.  We laughed, we cried (well, I did.), we danced, we sang, we ate, and drank, until the wee hours of the morning!  Truthfully, I didn't drink nor did I stay very late because hungry Deacon was waiting for me in Balmoral but I still had an amazing time.  The next day we returned to the wedding venue, Camp Manitou, for post-wedding festivities. Hayden and Tyler swam in the pool and we filled up on a yummy Ukrainian lunch.

That was a very busy day.  I tried and tried to get Hayden out of the pool so we could get to a birthday party on time, but it was not easy.  We were late and naps were skipped, but we eventually made it to our friend Grace's 2nd birthday!  We were the stragglers, arriving after most guests had already left but we still had a great visit/play.

The whole week after that, I think we must have had some down time between events but I can't honestly remember.  One thing of note is that Hayden is part of the Winnipeg Library's Summer Reading Club!  So we've been spending quite a bit of time at the library (which is literally across the street, AND air-conditioned!!).  On our slow days we usually walk there and I plunk Deacon on the floor in the kids section while Hayden and I search for books.  Right now she loves Richard Scarry books and books about dinosaurs!  Haha.

Oh yes, I mustn't forget a visit I had with one of my favourite people, Jodi Bonkowski, visiting alllll the way from jolly old England.  It was so great to see her and this is just a minor observation, but she looks more and more lovely every time she comes home so I think London must be agreeing with her.

The last Tuesday of July Deacon had his 9 month check-up.  He'd gained 1.5 lbs since his last weigh-in.  So now he's almost 27 lbs putting him in the 99th percentile for weight and 97th for height.  He's big.  As you can imagine, I am becoming very very strong.

The last week of July a whole bunch of my family went up to Hecla for more camping!  There were very few mosquitoes and the weather was again beautiful.  It was quite the party.  Altogether we occupied 4 camp-sites and my cousin, Katherine, and her 2 little ones stayed at the hotel. It was nice to have someone staying there so we could take advantage of their bathtub and the swimming pool!  Rocky was SO well-behaved that trip!  He had so much fun at the dog beach fetching gigantic timbers from the water.

Dad usually brings his guitar camping to play around the fire and when I had to chance to play it, I was so surprised at how much I remembered.  I rarely practice and I didn't play at all while I was pregnant.  Yet it all came back!  It totally reignited my passion for music and now I'm actively seeking people to jam with so if you're interested, feel free to join me in my basement after my children to go bed!

That just about sums up the month of July!  August has a lot to live up to.  But if it turns out to be a more mellow month, I don't think I'll be disappointed. 

XO Liza ;)

UPDATE: It has been called to my attention that a couple very notable events weren't mentioned! Hayden, Deacon, and I attended Ballet in the Park at some point in July.  Hayden didn't seem like she was really paying attention while we were watching but apparently the ballet made quite the impression on her because she's been doing little pirouettes and pointing her toes ever since!  I can't wait to put her in dance classes!!! :)

Also, I had a major day of relaxation on the Saturday afternoon before Hecla when I went in to town for cupping and a hot stone massage by my good friend Catherine Waterer.  When you deprive yourself of these "spa treatments" you really truthfully do not know what you are missing.  I strongly urge everyone to take the time to treat themselves to an afternoon of self-care.  It makes alllllll the difference.

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