Friday 11 July 2014

Baby Burn-Out

Yes, I know it's been a long time since my last post.  Rather than not write anything at all, I'm just going to come right out and admit that I've just been feeling pretty sorry for myself lately and I don't want to be super negative on my blog.  From an outside perspective I know I have no real problems but there are two things I find myself complaining about a lot lately: 1) I get very little sleep and 2) I get very few breaks.

So I'm tired, and I have serious baby burn-out.  I can do "no sleep" and I can do "no breaks", but not together.  It's a combination that makes for a not very pleasant human.  Ask Tyler.

My bitterness is a little more intense at the moment because Ty is in Las Vegas for a stag this weekend.

Annnnd there you have it.  I know: be grateful, count my blessings, remember these years go by so fast, etc.  I'm always the first to say it and it does honestly turn my sour moods completely around.  But it doesn't change the fact that I get very little sleep and I get very few breaks....

Forgive me for being Debbie Downer on a Friday!  On a lighter note, I AM going out tomorrow and I am going to try my very hardest to not feel guilty or worry about H & D while I'm having fun with my friends because god dammit, I DESERVE IT!!!!!

Everyone enjoy your weekends and this beautiful weather!!! xoxo


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