Wednesday 6 August 2014

Do You Snooze Cruise?

Today we went for a snooze cruise.  In other words, I drove around aimlessly so that I could get a break while my children chilled out in the back seat.  I've only ever had two such jaunts in my time as a parent.  I'm pretty conscientious about burning unnecessary fuel, so only in desperate times does the snooze cruise ensue.

I'll start from the beginning:

Two nights ago, Deacon awoke in the wee hours with a small but noticeable fever.  Putting him back to sleep was difficult.  He was hot and uncomfortable and super grouchy, not wanting to nurse OR be held.  Eventually, I rocked him back to sleep.  Same night, Hayden was up and down because of an itchy rash she had acquired during the day somehow.  It was bothering her and I had to keep applying cream to it throughout the night. 

Needless to say, the whole next day I was feeling pretty sluggish.  But on the bright side, Deacon seemed fine!  His fever had vanished and he was his normal self all day.  As for Hayden, she wouldn't stop itching this damn rash!  I'd decided she must have gotten poison ivy somehow.  We had just been camping, after all.  We continued with the hydrocortisone cream, which really seemed to help.

Well, then night came and all hell broke loose!  Deacon's fever returned and Hayden wasn't sleeping.  Deacon's crying woke up Hayden, then Hayden would reciprocate the gesture.  I finally got to bed at around 4am.  Hayden eventually crawled into bed with me at some point after that (which would never fly if Ty had been home). 

So this morning Deacon's fever was gone again, which was good, but when I went to change his diaper, this terrible rash had cropped up out of no where!  Was this somehow connected to the fever?  I didn't know.  And what was I going to do about Hayden's "poison ivy"?  I called Health Links!  "Bring them to the Dr.!" she said.  OK.  So I called their Dr. and luckily was able to get them in at 2:30, during naptime, but oh well.

It turned out, Deacon's fever was not at all related to the rash but because he has a tooth about to pop through (DUH! Why didn't I think of that?) and Hayden's rash is not poison ivy but possibly heat rash.  She sent me away with a prescription for Deacon's bum and pep talk about keeping diaper rash at bay.

Off to the pharmacy we went!  We only had to wait 15 minutes for the prescription to be filled, but 15 minutes of walking around a pharmacy with a two year old can be deadly!  She picked out a brand new tooth brush and tooth paste, some bubble bath, a nail polish, some baby food for Deacon, and some candies that were on sale for 50 cents so I let her keep them.  Everything else was left on some random shelf.  I treated myself to an organic, naturally sweetened dark chocolate bar.

We got back into the car, strapped everyone in, and drove out of the parking lot.  I gave Hayden her candies in the backseat and I opened my chocolate bar.  Well, it was such a tasty chocolate bar, I decided I'd just drive around a bit longer until it was finished!  Then, wouldn't you know it, Hayden, for some reason, didn't like her candies so I ate those too!  Before I knew it, I was cruising down the perimeter with two sleeping kids in the back seat and a serious sugar high.  I turned the tunes up and drove off into the sunset...and then down Chief Peguis and then home. 

I have to say, this was a truly blissful experience amidst a very trying day.  I returned home feeling SO much better.  I have to wonder, do other moms snooze cruise? 

Goodnight all!!
XO Liza

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