Wednesday 26 March 2014


Where to begin!?  It feels like nothing ever changes yet at the same time Deacon and Hayden are both growing SO fast I can't even keep up.  Here are a few updates:

KIDS: Hayden has become a little motor-mouth.  She literally does not stop talking but I don't even mind because everything she says is both hilarious and adorable.  I could give you examples but you really have to hear her little voice say it to understand the cuteness.  She can't say her "R" sounds or "J" sounds.  "Jolly Jumper" is "Zolly Zumper".  "Rocky" is "Wocky".  "Tree trunks" are "See Sunks".  She's getting a little attitude and always demands things "NOW".  Which is my fault because I probably say "NOW" to her once in a while (oops).  It's sometimes hard for me to know - due to my lack of toddler experience - what is typical toddler behaviour and what is actually her true character.  So I sincerely hope she is not actually developing dictatorial tendencies.

We live a 2 minute walk from the St. John's Library so we spend a lot of time there.  Right now Hayden's favourite books are The Bernstein Bears and The Critters series'.  If she sees a Thomas the Train or Caillou book we usually take those home with us too.

Swimming lessons start in a couple weeks and she is really looking forward to it.  Thank goodness, because she's not a huge fan of the water.  She hates getting water on her head!  We'll see how it goes.

Deacon just does not stop growing.  He is enormous.  He's wearing some 24 month sleepers and onesies.  It actually blows my mind that he's become the size he is completely off breast milk alone.  It's amazing.  He is the sweetest little man.  But SO serious.  Hayden could be dancing around and being hilarious and he just stares at her with an amused little smirk on his face.  He'll laugh if he's being tickled but otherwise it is both exhausting and humiliating trying to get even a little giggle out of him.  When he does it melts my heart.

Deacon is Mr. Grabby-hands these days!  It's safe to say he's perfected the skill of grabbing objects.  And obviously everything goes straight into his mouth. :S

HOUSE:  We are officially the owners of land now!!  You wouldn't believe how long it took for this one seemingly simple step to be completed.  But it's done!  So we now have 70 acres of land, plus our 500+ trees that we planted last spring.  We are only developing maybe 3 acres and the rest will remain crop. We hope to have a massive garden and we are planning on sharing garden space with our city friends and family. #growyourown.  Next step: Get the house plans drafted.

Other than that, I can't think of what else is news.  In other less positive news, there were 3 people stabbed at the 7-11 on Main St. (3 blocks away) last night.  It totally freaks me out because Tyler often goes there.  Time to vacate the North End methinks!!!

Liza :)

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