Monday 17 March 2014

This Winter in a Nutshell

One day, a couple weeks ago, I was returning home to the city after staying a few days at the farm.  It had snowed a substantial amount in the days I'd been away from home.  As I turned into the back lane I immediately realized there was no way I would be getting my car into my parking spot through the insane quantity of snow that had yet to be shovelled.  I promptly backed out of the back lane and drove around to park on the front street, Hayden and Deacon both out cold in the back-seat.

I sat in the car and thought about what to do.  It wouldn't have been a problem to park on the front street if: 1) I'd had a key for the front door. 2) The path between the houses had been shoveled, allowing me to open the side gate which was stuck shut between 3 ft of snow on either side.  I concluded that I would have to somehow walk, with both kids, around the street and through the back lane to access the back door.  But how?  Twenty pound Deacon plus carseat I can hardly carry 20 feet let alone half a block!  I had no choice. 

I turned around to rouse Hayden from her carseat dreamland.  "Hayden, wake up!  We're home!"  No response.  "Hayden!!"  *Snore*.  I jiggled her - no luck.  She's a good sleeper, God bless her!  Would I have to carry BOTH sleeping kids down the block and around the backlane?!  Now that was impossible.  I eyed a shopping cart tipped over on the boulevard (not an uncommon sight in the North End).  Ah-hah!!  But we all know what pushing a weighted down shopping cart through snow is like.  Scratch that idea.  Then, I realized my porch was unlocked.  I could put Deacon in the porch and then run with Hayden as fast as I could around to the back door.  I didn't like the idea of leaving Deacon unattended in his carseat in the cold porch, but at this point I was running out of options. 

As it turned out, my mother-in-law was only 10 minutes away, so she waited in the front porch with a very cranky tired Hayden and sleepy Deacon while I ran down the street, down the back lane and unlocked my back door.

And this, in a nutshell, is an example of the ridiculousness I have endured this winter.  No other winter has the path between the houses gone unshoveled.  There is just no where for the snow to go!  Bla bla bla, I could go on about this damn snow and cold forever. 

But, I have to remind myself that there have been a lot of good memories that came with this winter too.  Like the day I decided to take Hayden and Deacon for a sleigh ride on one of the nicer days we had.  Proud big sister Hayden held Deacon on her lap in the sleigh as we set off on our journey.  We hadn't made it 15 feet before I veered off the path, tipping the sleigh, sending both Hayden and Deacon face first into powdery snow.  They both cried but I couldn't help but laugh as I brushed the snow off their red faces.  lol 

Or today, my dad took Hayden for her first snowmobile ride.  When she came inside I asked her if she'd had fun on the snowmobile.  "No, Mom, I don't like the snowmobile!" she said.  I asked her why!  "The snowmobile is too noisy!" she replied.

Soooo don't call the WAHmbulence on me just yet.  I feel like even though this winter has been excrutiating to say the least, we will all look back on it with a sense of amusement at what we endured.  I know I will!!

XO Liza ;)

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