Monday 24 March 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

My 29th birthday will definitely be one to remember.  I can't remember another birthday where I've ever felt so loved!  In the past I've never made a big deal about my birthday or bothered putting much effort into planning what I wanted to do on my "special"day.  This year, I guess I was feeling a little more selfish.  But, it turns out that kind of thing is allowed on your birthday!

Friday, the 21st (my actual birthday): I'd spent the night at the farm since Tyler had been out of town for quite some time.  My brother, Scotty, was visiting from Gimli so it was a real family affair.  When I woke up, even though I hadn't slept terribly well (no surprise) my mom took my kids off my hands so I could enjoy a leisurely morning in my pj's.  Later in the morning, a couple of very treasured family friends came over for coffee.  We had a great visit.  Before I knew it, it was nap time.  Then my phone rang - it was Tyler.  He'd returned from out of town early and needed to be picked up from his shop!  Deacon and I rushed off to get him up while Hayden napped at the farm.  It was a lovely, sunny, musical drive to the shop.  When we got back to the ranch, my dad had brought home pizza, so we stuffed our faces before heading back into the city.

Before we went home, however, Tyler insisted we make one stop because he wanted to get me my birthday present - a mountain bike, which I desperately needed because I've been riding the same bike for 15 years.  It's nothing super fancy or high-tech as I'm not a professional mountain biker or cross country cyclist.  But, it's perfect for biking the gravel roads which I fully intend to do in the upcoming years.

Saturday, the 22nd:  On Saturday we returned to the farm for a joint birthday party for myself and my Nana who's birthday was on the 13th.  She turned 88 and is still very much the life of all our family get-togethers.  When I watch her play with Hayden it feels like a flash-back to when it was me on her lap listening to her sing silly songs.  I <3 my Nana!!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that we did our taxes on Saturday morning!  Hayden and Deacon behaved themselves beautifully at H & R block. lol

Sunday, the 23rd:  This was just the best day ever.  Probably because Deacon slept through the night for only the 3rd time in his life.  We lazed around all morning.  Hayden and Deacon both had nice long afternoon naps.  It was a very slow-paced day which is rare when Tyler is home because he is always GO GO GO.  Tyler often says how there needs to be 26 hours in the day.  Lord help him...

Sunday afternoon I had a second birthday party at Tyler mom's.  We were joined by his sister, Amber, and his Aunty Cindy.  It was lovely.  After dinner, Tyler and I escaped from our children for a while to go down to Osborne St for an evening stroll.  We stopped at Baked Expectations for cake and coffee.  It was delicious.  Then we picked up the kids, went home, put them to bed (Deacon went to sleep early, hurrahh!) and watched a movie!

As if Sunday couldn't have been any more spectacular, this was the day Tyler got his driver's lisence back after coming off a 3 month suspension for being a speed demon.  And it's spring!  And the sun was shining!  Ahhh bliss.

I really really hate to sound like a cheeseball here, but I seriously feel so blessed to have so many amazing, special people in my life.  My family means everything to me.  I can't imagine having a better birthday without them.
Thats all for now!

Liza :)

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