Tuesday 4 March 2014

Psychotic Mom Alert (revised)

A couple months ago I wrote a blog post titled "Psychotic Mom Alert!" which I never posted.  Basically, it was my warning to any over-eager baby snatchers to think twice before coming to my "rescue" when my baby starts crying.  I reread it a bunch of times before deciding it was a little harsh to put out there.

Today I just read another blog post called "Mommy, Somebody Needs You!" where a mother describes her mixed feelings about being so needed by her small children and it put everything I'd tried to describe in "Psychotic Mom..." into perspective.

When Hayden and Deacon were both newborns, they did their fair share of crying as I'm sure most newborns do.  I never minded the crying.  At all.  Until....someone else would come swooping in to save me from my crying baby.  "Here.  Let me."  *snatch*  For some reason, listening to my baby cry in the arms of someone else was pure agony!  If that person did manage to calm the baby then be my guest, but otherwise I could barely give them 5 minutes before reclaiming my miserable little bundle of joy.

Now, Deacon is 4 months old and his fussy newborn days are behind him.  Hayden as a newborn was a force to be reckoned with, but, those days are lonnnnng gone.  Since we only plan on having 2 children, I will never have another newborn baby to soothe ever again.  So I'm not and never will be sorry for hoarding my cranky crying babies.  As for the toddler, she's all yours! ;)

That's it for now!


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