Friday 22 November 2013

Hello Winter!!!

This past week I've found myself really eager to get out of the city and move somewhere we can properly enjoy winter.  Sleigh rides, snowmobiling, snow forts!  Oh, to build a snowman that doesn't require the use of all the snow in your tiny yard (leaving no room for snow angels) and still only stands 3 ft high!  One day!  Soon!

I feel bad for Hayden now that the snow is here.  She loves playing outside and I would love to take her out, but with Deacon so small still, I'm worried about him getting a chill!  All this makes me wonder what they did back in the day with babies in these harsh Canadian climates.  Memories of my childhood obsession with Road to Avonlea are coming back to me: wrap the wee ones with layer upon layer of wool blankets and rest them in the pram to take in the fresh air!  I just don't know.  I'm now on the hunt for an oversized winter coat that I can zip over the Ergo-baby, keeping Deacon warm and cozy inside.  "You'll just have to wrap yourself in furs, like the Inuit!" - Tyler. :)

Tyler is currently away on his first work trip since Deacon was born.  The first night I stayed home with the kids but that damned bedtime routine is just a little too nutty for me to take on myself, so the next night I packed everything up and went out to the farm.  Deacon and I stayed 1 night and Hayden 2.  It was like being on holidays.  Grandparents are awesome.

In the baby department, Deacon has had a major growth spurt. At his Dr.'s apt at 3 weeks he had gained 3 lbs putting him at exactly 10 lbs. If he keeps this up, he'll be right on par with Hayden who weighed almost 15 lbs at 2 months.

Deacon's still pretty unpredictable.  There's not really anything he likes or doesn't like.  I think my chocolate addiction was pissing him off, so I actually gave up chocolate!  Just for him!!  (Not really, we just ran out of leftover Halloween treats).  The only pattern I can see is that he gets cranky every night at around 8:30 or 9:00.  It's kind of thrown a wrench into Hayden's bedtime routine, much to her dismay.  ** He has good days where I don't hear a peep out of him, and other days where I can hardly put him down!  He's starting to look around at everything with these big wide eyes.  He is trying so hard to get a smile out!  I can see it in his eyes but he just can't get his little mouth to form it!  So cute.

XO Liza

** If you're wondering what Hayden's bedtime routine entails:
1) Clean-up Time -  Co-operation level = varies night to night
2) Bathtime - Co-operation level = good (until it's time to get out).  If I wash her her hair = disastrous
3) Getting the jammies on - Who would have thought the act of getting a kid to put their pj's on would be the equivalent of trying to dress a baboon.  Co-operation level = -10
4) Brushing teeth - Co-operation = poor (but improving!!)
5) Bedtime stories - Co-operation = awesome

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