Tuesday 12 November 2013

Week 2: Stuck Like Glue

Not too much has changed in the past week.  Deacon is still your basic eat / sleep / poop newborn.  Hayden is still completely in love with him, thank goodness.  She's always kissing and hugging Deacon and wanting to pick him up and hold him.  I'm so proud of her!

We're currently in the process of rewriting Hayden's pretty much set-in-stone daily routine.  Before, we always had "craft time" and "story time", "puppet time", "excercise time", "dance time", etc. etc.  Now, we've added a big chunk of "cartoon time" to the list.  We don't watch that much TV in our house.  We still rely on our bunny ears which surprisingly bring in CBC and Global in HD.  CBC can be pretty limited but lucky for us we have Netflix on the Smart TV.  I feel guilty putting shows on to keep her entertained but its kind of my only option at this point being stuck in the lazy boy breastfeeding every 2 - 3 hours and changing zillions of diapers.  I know we'll be able to go back to our old activities eventually.

Little Deacon has decided to kick it up a notch in the past week!  He's added "fussing" to his list of skills.  He's not actually "fussy", it's just gas.  Typical newborn stuff I guess.  He'll be sleeping so peacefully and then out of no-where he turns into old Grunty McGee, squirming around, his little face all red and scrunched up.  Hayden did the exact same thing.  I learned, with her, to just let her work it out on her own.  If it gets to the point where he starts crying, its into the Ergo-baby he goes and I don't hear another peep.

The baby carrier has been a real lifesaver!  I don't know what I'd do without it!  It's allowed me to keep the kitchen clean, the laundry done, the floor vacuumed - standing stuff.  I love the Ergo baby for it's versatility and comfort.  (Hayden still goes in it once and while).  But its a little bulky for around the house, so I ordered a Moby wrap off Amazon. 

When Hayden was a newborn I didn't have the internet or an Iphone.  This time around, whenever Deacon is doing something that concerns me in the slightest bit, I find myself on Google looking up baby poo or something else like that.  I don't recommend it.

Sleeping: I've become accustomed to sleeping in 2 hr chunks through the night.  And I've given up on trying to keep putting Deacon back in his bassinet after every feeding.  He sleeps with me now.  "That's not good!!!!!!!" my mother says.  Yeah yeah yeah.... With Hayden, I would NEVER have co-slept.  I painstakingly put her back in her crib again and again and again until she slept there.  This time,  I need to sleep at night bc I don't have the opportunity during the day like I did with Hayden.  SO there.  He will eventually sleep in his bassinet, you mark my words.  Luckily they've been napping at the same time in the afternoon so I've been able to have naps (except today I'm writing this). 

Annnd my times up!!


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