Sunday 1 December 2013

Single Parents - I Salute You

The Bedtime Routine Saga continues.... (sorry folks, this is my life at the moment!  Bear with me!)

On Tuesday night when Tyler told me he would be out of town for another week and a half, I felt a wave of dread sweep over me - I would once again be the lone parent to look after a barely 2 year old and newborn - all day - all night..... SO once again, I packed my tiny Elantra literally to the roof with all our stuff and high-tailed it out to the farm to enjoy home-cooked meals and live-in babysitters.  Two grandparents who are always more than willing to play with my busy bundle of toddler joy!

By day 3 reality sinks in - I have food in my fridge that needs to be eaten, mail piling up, plants that need to be watered, snow that needs to be shoveled (taken care of my mother-in-law God bless her.)  All this plus the feeling that me and my crazy crew might be outstaying our welcome at the farm (even though my mom would insist that is never the case).

We came home to our North End Oasis on Friday and went about our day as usual.  Then came 8:30 pm and Deacon, right on schedule, began his nightly fuss-fest.  Why wouldn't I just skip Hayden's "bedtime routine", you might wonder.  Perhaps if she wasn't still in diapers I could skip her bath.  I just feel like Hayden needs this routine.  She is an unbelievable sleeper and I would really love to keep it this way.  I don't want to mess with any contributing factors.

Anyways, everything ended up going a lot smoother than I'd expected.  Of course it would have been a lot "easier" with another pair of hands, but I know it will get easier in time.  I just have to keep in mind that the only reason any situation ever seems "hard" is because we're comparing it to an experience in which we felt comfortable.  I've forced myself out of my parenting comfort zone and now I feel like super mom!  Stay tuned for the next week's gripping episode: Going Grocery Shopping. (jk)

Liza XO

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