Thursday 7 November 2013

Week 1: Our New Son

With both babes sleeping it gives me a quick opportunity to provide you all with a glimpse into my first week with Deacon at home:

I was expecting it to be SO insane with Hayden and a newborn and now that it's not insane at all, I'm very pleasantly surprised.  My only newborn experience was with poor colicky Hayden who couldn't be put down for more than 5 minutes before she'd start wailing!  Deacon hasn't had one fussy episode since he's been born!  Of course he's only 1 week old so I'm not making any conclusions about his temperament at this point.  At first he didn't like having his diaper changed but he's over it now.  He still doesn't like going in the bath. 

Other than that, he's so content to sit in his baby seat.  He loves being held and his little eyes light up when I sing to him. :)  He's so so so relaxed.  He just flops around and really needs help holding his head up.  His hands are alway relaxed, palms open.  Hayden's newborn hands were always in tight little balled up fists!

Hayden loves Deacon!  I was a little worried judging by the way she treats Rocky, but she totally gets it that Deacon's a tiny baby and needs us to take care of him.  She's been an absolute angel to him.  She's so proud to be a big sister!

As for myself, I feel amazing.  I literally had a 3 day recovery after having Deacon and now I feel as though I never gave birth at all!  I am SO grateful for how smooth this first week has gone!  Sure, I haven't got more than 3 straight hrs of sleep, but I know this period will pass too soon so its a sacrifice I'm more than willing to make!

XO Liza

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