Since both kids are sleeping right now - dreams do come true - I thought I would take this much appreciated opportunity to introduce to the world our family's newest member: Deacon Zedric.
Deacon joined us 12 days overdue on Oct. 29, at 5:53 am. The day before his arrival I had a pretty good idea I was going to go into labour that night as I was having random contractions throughout the day. I had a Dr.'s apt and fetal assessment that day and there was no indication that labour would commence, so they put me on the "Induction List" on Oct.31.
Sure enough, at around 1 am the contractions started coming on a lot stronger and in a definite pattern. Instead of waking Tyler up, I just walked around the house a bit and did some deep breathing. Nothing I couldn't handle on my own! I kept checking the clock so that I knew when they were getting closer together. I even managed to have little naps inbetween some of them! They literaly went from being 12 minutes apart to 5 minutes apart. I woke Tyler up, "Time to go to the hospital!!". Tyler does not wake up easily. He fell back to sleep. Another contraction. When it was over I went back into the room, "Call your mom to come over!!! We have to go to the hospital, NOW!" To which he replied, "So should I call her now? Or when she actually has to be here?". He got the hint soon enough, his mom was called, she zipped right over, and a minute later we were on our way to the Women's Hospital.
Thank goodness we live 5 minutes from the hospital! As soon as I got to triage the nurse did a pelvic exam which determined that I was already 9 cm dilated. Tyler had just returned from parking the car as I was being wheeled to L & D. 30 minutes later, out came little Deacon weighing in at 7 lbs 4 oz.
As for the name Deacon Zedric, I came up with it the night before he was born. We just decided to go with it. After signing all the papers at the hospital I had a brief moment of, Oh no! What if this is wrong name! Haha. Now I'm so glad we kept it. He's a special little guy! Even though all he really does at this point is sleeps, eats, and poops (the last two A LOT), he does it with pizazz!!!
We can't wait to see what kind of baby he becomes!
XO Liza
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