Friday 25 October 2013

Name Problems!!!!

It is now obvious to me that the reason baby Number Two is reluctant to make his appearance is because he knows he doesn't have an actual name.  It's true!  I cannot for the life of me decide on a name for this baby!!  With Hayden it seemed so easy: "Hayden?  That's a nice name. Hayden it is!!"  And Hayden is a "Hayden" through and through.  I couldn't imagine her being called by any other name.  I had wanted her to be called "Rose", but Tyler is against old-fashioned names.  I often wonder if she could be a "Rose".  I don't think so. 

Which leads me to think I should just pick a name for this baby and stick with it!!  We will love the name and that will be that!  However, it doesn't matter if WE love the name, its our little boy who has to love his name!  But who is he?  What name does he want

My parents named me "Elizabeth".  My middle name is "Jane".  At the time I was born, my 2 year old brother, Scotty, was super into this Fred Penner song called, "Little Liza Jane".  So that was who I became.  Completely out of my control.  To my relatives I was always called "Jane" or "Janie".  At school, the "Jane" eventually got dropped and then I was "Liza".  "Liza" has proven to be a diffucult name to bear.  People mistakenly call me "Leeza" or "Lisa".  In fact, I endured a week-long stint at Band Camp as "Lisa" because I failed to correct people on the 1st day.  My camp friends said, "Bye Lisa!!!" when my parents picked me up and my mom was kinda confused.  My Mom, Dad, and brother now call me "LJ".  My Aunts and Uncles just don't know anymore!

Therefore, I'm not going to inflict the same identity crisis on my own offspring!  The name has to be a name that can't be made into a million variations and that everyone gets right!  Teachers, peers, camp councillors and Starbucks baristas alike!  Here's where I'm at:

Kiran: A Sanskrit word meaning "beam of light".  I like this name for its meaning and it's a nice name.  On the fence.

Ryker:  I actually really like this name!  But then I remembered this episode of Oprah where Lisa Ling visited Riker's Island, a prison in New York where they send pedophiles.  Tainted.

Joshua:  I acually had a dream / premonition that this baby was named "Joshua" - even when I thought he was going to be a girl!  But is it too passe? Still in the running.

Alec: I love the simplicity of this name.  Tyler doesn't like it.

Seth: Another simple name - not quite right.

Marvin:  Tyler likes the name Marvin!!  I'm not sure if it fits. lol

Keaton:  A name I thought of - I haven't even run it past Tyler.

Oliver:  I think this is a very cute name.  But we keep saying "Oliver Clothes-off" and laughing like immature children.

Elliott:  A name I like, but I don't know if its THE name.

Toby: Too "little boy".

Jimi:  Ty loves Jimi Hendrix.  As do I but I'm not crazy about the name.

Rhett: I like a good 1-syllable name!!  Unfortunately, this name reminds Tyler of some tower-rigging terminology and therefore cannot be the name of our child.

Mastin: The Daily Love is my favourite blog and is written by a guy named Mastin Kipp.  I love it.  But the MAST in Mastin is too reminiscent of some tower-rigging term.  (See above).

So this is my current dilemna!  Am I being too obsessive?  Probably!  But the more I think about it... (this is the name my child will be known as for the rest of his life!!)...the more important it seems that I get it right.  I'm imagining all these different scenarios he could possibly come across: Assuming a career in a corporate environment vs. frontman of a band.  There is so much in a name, who am I to make that choice for someone?!?

So we're going to wait until he's born, see what he looks like, and see if we can get an idea of his personality and then we'll pick a name. 

Sorry for being so dramatic!  Hopefully within the next couple days this drama will end itself!

XO Liza

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