Saturday 25 January 2014


I've been feeling a little boring this month.  Our days have been pretty routine lately and with this weather and Tyler being out of town, I haven't felt like doing anything extraordinary.  Personally, I feel super excited on days that I can shower and drink a hot cup of tea in silence but that doesn't make for a very thrilling blog post.

So here is what my kids have been up to...

Deacon is growing a ton every day.  His newest feat is holding objects, though he often doesn't realise hes holding them until he bops himself in the face with said object.  He likes to grab onto and manipulate his blankie, put his fist in his mouth, and lay on this back under mobiles.  He's extremely sociable and will "tell stories" to anyone who will listen.  I just love his little face with his furrowed brow and contemplative gaze.  He's like a sweet little old man.

Hayden.  Where do I even begin?!?  She is just sooo darn sweet.  All, "Please mommy..." this and "I love you mommy..." that.  As she discreetly snips pieces off the tablecloth from under the table.  Typical two-year-old stuff I guess.  She's all of a sudden become extremely chatty since Christmas.  I love our conversations.  Here are some of our recent discussions:

"Mom, what's that sound???" (her favourite question)
Then I listen but don't really hear anything. "Ummm I don't know, maybe its the snow plow?"
"No, it is not a snow plow, its an airplane."
"Oh OK Thanks Hayden!"


"Mom, look!  My fruit snack has bunny ears!" (shows me her bunny shaped fruit snack)
"Cool, is it a bunny??"
"No Mom, it is not a bunny, it's a fruit snack."

I totally realise that these exchanges are probably way funnier to me than they would be to anyone else but you get the idea.  She's a little smarty pants.

I'm not sure what else I can give you updates on right now.  "How are the house plans coming along?"  They are coming along.  The subdivision has been approved so we are now in the process of getting the land title transferred...then we wait for the land title to come in the mail...then we go to the bank...then we order our house plans...then we apply for a building permit... etc. etc.  It's such a long process.  Longer than we ever imagined.  I can see why people don't do this.  But it all be worth it in the end.

That's all for now!!!  Enjoy the rest of your Januarys!

XO Liza

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