Thursday 30 January 2014

Getting Back Into "Shape"

I always used to have a good laugh at the SNL parody for "Mom Jeans".  I remember feeling completely baffled at the fact that mid-90's moms actually wore these hideous creations.  You know the jeans I'm talking about: the high waists and roomy pleated fronts.  Well, the truth is, these days I find myself yearning for a pair of mom jeans as a welcome alternative to leggings and other types of stretchy pants. 

Once upon a time, before my life revolved around my beloved babies, you could often find me in the gym.  I'd go to the Women's Goodlife Fitness on McPhilips at least 3 nights a week.  I loved going to the classes rather than working out by myself because I'm not really very self-motivated.  In the classes it's like, "OK if all these ladies can do it, I can too".

During my pregnancy with Hayden I made it a point to keep working out and walking because I really wanted to go back to my pre-pregnancy body without much effort.  And sure enough, one month after Hayden was born, I actually weighed less than I had before even becoming pregnant.  Because I was breastfeeding, I was always always eating and I still never gained weight.  When I was pregnant with Deacon I gained the same amount of weight as I did with Hayden - 35 lbs.

SO I don't know what changed between my pregnancies with Hayden and Deacon.  But I've recently realized that I'll be working a heck of a lot harder to get my waist-line back into existence this time around.  This isn't so much out of vanity as it out of refusal to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe in a size bigger.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  Or money.  My afformentioned lack of self-motivation is no longer a thing because every day at 11:00 am I tell Hayden, "OK it's excercise time!".  Then I put on my pilates DVD and get to work.  The lengths of my workouts vary depending on Deacon's patience but I can usually manage 10 minutes a day of cardio and another 10 of whatever else.  Still, this extra baggage won't budge!

Foodwise, I'm not making too many changes besides quitting eating sugar.  It's not like I'm any kind of a panic since I am breastfeeding and need the extra calories for that.  I'm sure I will be into my old "regular" jeans in no time.  If not, I might just try to bring the "mom jeans" back into style.  Or I will remain happily comfortable in Lulu's for as long as necessary.

xoxo Liza

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