Saturday 12 October 2013

Baby on the Brain

Way more ideas for blog posts besides "baby talk" have crossed my mind, but every time I try to formulate a sentance that has nothing to do with "baby", I can't seem to do it!  I WANT to do other stuff besides clean the house and organize baby clothes, but every time I try to focus on something else, I find myself completely uninterested.  Then its back to dusting the blinds.

When I was this far along with Hayden, I was still working at Great West Life.  If I was anywhere near as preoccupied then as I am now, I really should have apologized to my bosses for my lack of productivity.  hehe.

The good news is, I am almost complete on the sewing on Hayden's Halloween costume!  The hood is completely sewn (she's being a cat).  All I have to do is sew the zipper in the front and other minor details.  At this point, I can't say for sure if Number Two and I will be joining Hayden and Tyler on the Halloween festivities.  We took Hayden "Trick or Treating" when she was 1 month old and it was not too fun.  She looked extremely sweet in her fuzzy hooded sleeper with kitty ears but our excursion turned out to be more of a "breastfeeding tour" than anything.  As were most outings in those days.  Breastfeeding in the car!!  Good times!!

In other news, the sex of Number Two is no longer a surprise!  At a prenatal checkup about a month ago Dr. Logan determined that I should go for an ultrasound due to the fact that I was measuring small.  I decided to find out for certain that I was having a girl JUST to be on the safe side.  Its a good thing I made the inquiry because as it turns out, Number Two is a BOY!  Geez louise.  Suddenly, all my dreams of having two little girls running hand-in-hand, laughing, through flowery meadows on warm, breezy summer days in their matching cotton sundresses, flowers in their hair.... were wiped away with the doppler lube on my small-measuring pregnant belly.  There were tears.  I immediately called Tyler, who had no intention of knowing the sex of our second child, and spilled the beans.  Now I'm completely fine.  And so is our little boy, who is not small at all.  He's just curled up in my small body like his sister was.  I'm sorry little one!

Its so weird waiting to have a baby.  Tonight could be my last night of peace before I'm a baby slave again!  Is that awful of me to refer to myself as a "baby slave"?  I don't mean it in a bad way because I truthfully loved every second of it the 1st time.  But I just remember thinking I would never be able to read a book ever again or drink a hot cup of tea or watch a movie uninterupted or even cuddle with Ty!!  I remember wondering if I would ever spend more time in my bed than in the lazy boy.  Then slowly everything when back to normal!  Better than normal!  So I am not worried at all. 

Now, back to Colombiana on Netflix.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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