Monday 30 September 2013

A Poem for You Because You're Two!!

Rise and shine my little love!
Today is a day to be proud of!

It's been two years since your debut
Here are your favourite things to do:

"Chase Dada" is your favourite game
although "tag" is the proper name

Once you have Dad all tired out
your "Peek-a-boo Tent" is where you like to hide out!

That's where you keep all your animal friends
and from where supper invites you like to extend

You really are the most wonderful host,
always insisting we stay and eat all your fake toast!

Speaking of food, you have lots of faves
Like avocados and yogurt and all fruits you crave.

I'm so thankful that you are such a good eater!
But you really could be quite a bit neater.

Your very favourite colour is green!
You think it's the colour of everything you see!

Coming in second is the colour yellow,
For that's the colour of the sun - your favourite fellow!

The playground is where you like to play,
Where I'm sure - if we let you - you'd stay there all day.

I watch my brave little toddler with pride,
as you make your way down the "big kid" slide!

When you're all tuckered out and it's time to go,
we do so with tact to avoid a big show

But, for the most part, you are calm and peaceful,
Full of compassion and always gleeful

Independent is what you are
Keep it up and you'll go far!

You would love to do EVERYTHING all by yourself!
Like get dressed and even pour your own milk!

When you feel like chilling you might watch a show,
You love Caillou and Barney, especially Elmo!

But nothing is quite as entertaining as
those singing and dancing AristoCats!

My dear little Hayden, today you are TWO!
I wish you could always be stuck to me like glue

But as you grow and get smarter and braver,
these tender moments I promise to savor.

Farther than the farthest moon
is a fraction of my love for you.


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