Wednesday 11 September 2013

Thrifting for Moms!

A few mornings ago, a familiar sensation crept over me as I drank my morning tea. It was a feeling of inspired energy that can only be satisfied with a trip to the Sally Ann!!! (Or it could have been the caffeine - who knows.) So we went and it ended up being a really successful trip. I scored a wool pea-coat for fall, printed blouse, and a weird shirt for Hayden for $20!

Thrift store shopping is a practice I have continued to perfect over the years. Only now have I realized that I have developed my very own strategy to make the most of my shopping trips! Especially now that I have a little one who’s shopping-cart-sits are on a timer that I have no control over. There’s no leisurely strolling up every aisle to look at every article of clothing in hopes that no hidden gems are overlooked.

Here are a few key points I like to keep in mind when I venture out into the unpredictable world of second-hand shopping:

1. Make a “Wishlist”

Second hand shopping is a lot of hits and misses. Some days your cart will overflow with must-haves and sometimes you may only find a couple questionable (at best) items. Have a list of things you’d hope to find. Obviously, its all up to chance so you can’t be sure you’ll find anything on your list, but it helps. So when you first arrive, go directly to the areas of the items on your list so you can get that out of the way first.

2. Bring a Trusted Friend

Having someone with you who has the same taste really helps because then you can tag-team the store in half the time. Or else they can push your kid around in the cart without stopping while you shop. Anything to avoid in-store meltdowns.

3. Remember, Stuff Can be Altered

While perusing the “Long Coat” rack, you spot the perfect knee-length plaid trench. Your eyes light up! Could it be that I’ve found my woolen soul-mate? You check the size: Large? Maybe it will still fit. You slip it on. Not a chance. But wait! Don’t cry over over-sized garments! Get that bad boy altered! It will be worth it.

4. Trust Your Gut

I like treating thrift store shopping as kind of a spiritual experience! Sometimes if you just let your instincts guide you through the store, you’ll find the best pieces like you struck gold! And it will often feel like those pieces chose you.

Or, if you find you’re drawn to something totally outrageous but your logic is telling you, “You’ll look like a fool if you wear this!” Go with your gut! Sometimes those are the most important clothes to wear! Make an anti-fashion statement.

5.. Recycle

I am guilty of wanting to keep all of my clothes “just in case” they will ever come back into style. I recently just gave up a pair of pants I’d been holding onto since Gr.9. Some things you can justify keeping. If not for yourself, maybe you can pass it on to your kids; like an evening gown or other gently-worn, quality made items. But no one’s going to want your 15 dollar, wine-stained, stretched-out-after-only-1-wear Forever 21 bar dress. I just threw mine in the garbage. In retrospect, I maybe should have shredded the fabric for usage in craft projects of something. Darn. Oh well.

However, you gotta give to keep your Universal laws of abundance in motion!

6. Don’t wait for popular shopping times

Go mid-season. Or (if you’re crazy like me) shop for fall or winter in spring or summer when you know few people will be looking for the same styles.

7. Don’t Give Up on Your “Swag“!

I used to be a real fashionista. I loved clothes and trends and outfits and shoes. I loved shopping. Now that I’m a stay-at-home mom with no income, I do not shop. I feel like there’s this stereotype surrounding stay-at-home moms that they just go shopping all the time. Lets just say that wouldn’t go over too well with my husband. Also, we’re trying to save for our future home so that’s my top priority. Even if I did have $$ to shop, I don’t believe it’s possible with a toddler. I can’t even shop at JOE because my kid won’t sit in those double-decker Superstore shopping carts! Only the really deep ones can contain her.

Truth be told, I have accepted that of all the things in life that truly matter, “fashion” is certainly not one of them. But that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on my personal style altogether! I still like to stay in the loop of what‘s “in“. I have various fashion mag subscriptions acquired through my accumulation of Huggies Rewards Points! While I have no intention of replicating the multi-thousand dollar outfits in the pages of Vogue, they still bring some inspiration to my second hand shopping trips. Trends always seem to recycle themselves!


I hope this helped to inspire you guys to check out your nearest Value Village or Salvation Army! These are my faves. Because their shopping carts can contain my toddler.

XO Liza : )

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