Monday 23 September 2013

What a Week!!

Hello Monday!!!  I normally don't greet Mondays with much enthusiasm but today is a different kind of Monday because it's the first day in more than a week that I feel healthy again!  Hayden and I are both getting over colds / coughs.  Also, Tyler returned from SK last night where's he been working for more than a month and I am so happy to have him home again.

I must say, taking care of a sick toddler while you yourself are sick and having no one to take over for you (while 8 months pregnant) can be a little umm challenging?  Yes.  BUT I am in no way complaining because in a very short while, I will have a toddler AND baby to look after by myself when Ty's out of town.  This leads me to be very grateful that I am sick NOW and not after Number Two is born.  Other reasons I can't complain: this is the first time in 2013 that Hayden and I have been sick.  Plus, we were able to seek refuge at our second home on the farm on weekends while Ty was out of town.  Not that my mom and dad were able to help out that much since they are in the middle of Harvest right now, but any little bit helped.  I give much credit to the fresh country air in aiding our recoveries!

So now that our health is restored and now that Tyler is home for good until after Number Two's arrival, we can get a bunch of pre-baby stuff out of the way.  First on the agenda is Hayden's 2nd birthday!  And while I'm on the topic of birthdays, Hayden's is not the only one we have in the short time before D-day!  Tyler's step-mom, his mom, my mom, and Tyler, all have birthdays before we add another birthday to the list.  I somehow ended up with a whole herd of Libras and I have to wonder why.

After the birthdays, comes the creation of Hayden's Halloween costume!  My Nana and I already cut the pattern so I'm pretty much half done.  If I can't complete it before the baby comes, no big deal.  SEWING is one of Tyler's many hidden talents and because of his structural genius, he is actually better at it than I am.

Last Word:  I was trying to remember the last time I was sick and I realized it was this same time last year.  The Smashing Pumpkins were in town and I managed to get backstage passes on the day of the concert.  Long story short, if Billy Corgan has any memory of me, it's of the germy Winnipeg girl who almost inflicted her disease upon him.  After our short visit, he asked if I wanted a picture with him but I declined saying, "Better not, I'm just getting over a cold.  I don't want to give it to you."  At that, he backed away with a hand up in defence.  Sensing his terror, I quickly added, "But I'm sure its not contagious anymore don't worry."  I think he must have taken that as a change of mind that I DID want a picture taken because then he immediately took off faster than the speed of his fingers on a Fender Telecaster.  OOPS!  Sorry Bill.

Wishing u all a splendid fall :)
XO Liza

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