Tuesday 29 April 2014

Deacon: 6 Months Old

I cannot understand how 6 months have gone by already.  Obviously I have blocked the winter out as if it never occured.  That explains how all of a sudden Deacon is 6 months old.  My little man!!  Excuse me for being a tad mushy in this post, but my itty bitty BABY is 6 months old!! 

Let's be real here.  Deacon is anything but itty bitty.  When he was born he was a whole pound smaller than his 8.5 lb sister and I had always assumed he would remain smaller than her throughout infancy since Hayden was so massive.  She was always in the 98th percentile for height and weight.  Now, Deacon has long surpassed her and it completely blows my mind!  I have no explanation for it.  He wears 18 month and some 24 month clothes and he's in size 6 diapers which I don't even think they make them bigger than that so he litterally can't get any bigger.  Just imagine trying to diaper a ball and that is basically the challenge I face daily.

He loves to eat, that much is evident.  But he only loves the b-milk.  Any time I've offered solids he has absolutely no interest in consuming it.  I've taken a little break right now and will try again in a week.  Not only will he only consume b-milk, he prefers it directly from source, meaning he will not allow any type of artificial nipple in or around his cute little mouth.

Despite his size, Deacon is pretty mobile!  Hayden never was.  She refused to exert any energy in moving herself and if she ever needed to "go" anywhere, she insisted you transport her.  She didn't roll over until 7 months! Lol, Deacon has that under control.  Heaven forbid he try to roll if on an incline or he might just roll away!!  OK, am I mean for poking fun at my big babies? 

Deacon LOVES music and he LOVES to dance!!  It is unbelievable.  If there is music playing and he's in his exersaucer, he actually grooves to the beat of the song.  Change the tempo and so does he!  Even if Hayden's just blowing in and out through the harmonica, he'll boogy like that's his jam!!  I always imagined Hayden being the musical one because I took voice lessons until I was 7 months pregnant with her.  I took art lessons through out my pregnancy with Deacon.  So far Hayden has the artistic aptitude. 

I am convinced he's going to be an early talker.  He's been imitating talking sounds since he could make sounds!  He already says, "Da-dee-da-dee-da" and variations of those sounds.  He has the sweetest little voice.  Tyler believes he "taught" Deacon to say "Da da" but I'll refute that.

Alas, my Deacon is not much of a night sleeper.  I can count on 1 hand the number nights I've actually got to sleep at least 6 hours through.  Last night was 1 of those nights!  Deacon slept for 8 hours hours last night!!  I was on top of the world this morning!!  Honestly, when I get a good sleep, I feel as though I've drank 5 pots of coffee except without that horrid jittery coffee feeling.

I love my squishy ball of baby so so much.  He is so adorable with his rosy round cheeks and little pouty lips.  Yet he has this stately old man vibe about him.  We often laugh when Hayden watches Thomas the Train because if we gave Deacon a tophat and monacle he could certainly pass for a mini Sir Topham Hatt.  I literally can't take enough pictures of my babies.  They are growing up too fast.

Sometimes I feel SO eager to get my "life" back but I know in a few years I'll just want them to be this little again.  And writing this blog makes me realize that!!!

Here's to living each moment to its absolute fullest!!


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