Monday 9 December 2013

Goal of the Week: Sleep

On Saturday we attended the wedding of one of my longest and dearest friends!  It was the loveliest winter wedding.  The bride was more beautiful than anything and everyone was so happy - the atmosphere was just wonderful.  It was impossible to not have fun. 

My joy at being at this event was made all the more joyous due to Deacon being a perfect angel throughout the night.  Hayden, we left with Grandma and Grandpa.  We could have brought her and I know she would have had fun with the other little ones running around and dancing, but I put my own enjoyment first for this occasion and it was worth it.  I can't even express the pleasure of returning home after the wedding and not having to undress and put to bed a cranky, over-tired toddler.  Deacon slept peacefully in his car-seat upon our return allowing Tyler and I some much needed Q.T.  His work X-mas party was also on Saturday but he ended up skipping it.

Now, if only I could sleep at night...

Lucky for me, I like being awake so I'm not too bitter about my lack of shut-eye.  I'm also lucky that I am a night person.  I like being awake - at night.  Basically I'm a vampire.  Then, in a crazy sci-fi twist, I become a zombie by day!!  Not a flesh-eating zombie, just an expressionless, go-through-the-motions, Raffi-singing zombie.  It's quite surreal.  The longest Deacon has slept is 4 straight hours.  That, I would gladly take though he hasn't slept more than 2 hours in a row for the past I don't know how many nights.  Hayden slept for 6 hour stretches when she was 6 weeks old.  But she cried a lot during the day and Deacon doesn't so I think it's a fair trade-off. 

Tyler is out of town for the next 2 nights and with these frigid temps it's not looking like I'll be venturing too far from home.  I had to get this blog-post out before cabin fever sinks in otherwise you'd be deciphering unintelligible gibberish.

I never know how to end these things...

ttyl! Liza

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