Monday 30 September 2013

A Poem for You Because You're Two!!

Rise and shine my little love!
Today is a day to be proud of!

It's been two years since your debut
Here are your favourite things to do:

"Chase Dada" is your favourite game
although "tag" is the proper name

Once you have Dad all tired out
your "Peek-a-boo Tent" is where you like to hide out!

That's where you keep all your animal friends
and from where supper invites you like to extend

You really are the most wonderful host,
always insisting we stay and eat all your fake toast!

Speaking of food, you have lots of faves
Like avocados and yogurt and all fruits you crave.

I'm so thankful that you are such a good eater!
But you really could be quite a bit neater.

Your very favourite colour is green!
You think it's the colour of everything you see!

Coming in second is the colour yellow,
For that's the colour of the sun - your favourite fellow!

The playground is where you like to play,
Where I'm sure - if we let you - you'd stay there all day.

I watch my brave little toddler with pride,
as you make your way down the "big kid" slide!

When you're all tuckered out and it's time to go,
we do so with tact to avoid a big show

But, for the most part, you are calm and peaceful,
Full of compassion and always gleeful

Independent is what you are
Keep it up and you'll go far!

You would love to do EVERYTHING all by yourself!
Like get dressed and even pour your own milk!

When you feel like chilling you might watch a show,
You love Caillou and Barney, especially Elmo!

But nothing is quite as entertaining as
those singing and dancing AristoCats!

My dear little Hayden, today you are TWO!
I wish you could always be stuck to me like glue

But as you grow and get smarter and braver,
these tender moments I promise to savor.

Farther than the farthest moon
is a fraction of my love for you.


Monday 23 September 2013

What a Week!!

Hello Monday!!!  I normally don't greet Mondays with much enthusiasm but today is a different kind of Monday because it's the first day in more than a week that I feel healthy again!  Hayden and I are both getting over colds / coughs.  Also, Tyler returned from SK last night where's he been working for more than a month and I am so happy to have him home again.

I must say, taking care of a sick toddler while you yourself are sick and having no one to take over for you (while 8 months pregnant) can be a little umm challenging?  Yes.  BUT I am in no way complaining because in a very short while, I will have a toddler AND baby to look after by myself when Ty's out of town.  This leads me to be very grateful that I am sick NOW and not after Number Two is born.  Other reasons I can't complain: this is the first time in 2013 that Hayden and I have been sick.  Plus, we were able to seek refuge at our second home on the farm on weekends while Ty was out of town.  Not that my mom and dad were able to help out that much since they are in the middle of Harvest right now, but any little bit helped.  I give much credit to the fresh country air in aiding our recoveries!

So now that our health is restored and now that Tyler is home for good until after Number Two's arrival, we can get a bunch of pre-baby stuff out of the way.  First on the agenda is Hayden's 2nd birthday!  And while I'm on the topic of birthdays, Hayden's is not the only one we have in the short time before D-day!  Tyler's step-mom, his mom, my mom, and Tyler, all have birthdays before we add another birthday to the list.  I somehow ended up with a whole herd of Libras and I have to wonder why.

After the birthdays, comes the creation of Hayden's Halloween costume!  My Nana and I already cut the pattern so I'm pretty much half done.  If I can't complete it before the baby comes, no big deal.  SEWING is one of Tyler's many hidden talents and because of his structural genius, he is actually better at it than I am.

Last Word:  I was trying to remember the last time I was sick and I realized it was this same time last year.  The Smashing Pumpkins were in town and I managed to get backstage passes on the day of the concert.  Long story short, if Billy Corgan has any memory of me, it's of the germy Winnipeg girl who almost inflicted her disease upon him.  After our short visit, he asked if I wanted a picture with him but I declined saying, "Better not, I'm just getting over a cold.  I don't want to give it to you."  At that, he backed away with a hand up in defence.  Sensing his terror, I quickly added, "But I'm sure its not contagious anymore don't worry."  I think he must have taken that as a change of mind that I DID want a picture taken because then he immediately took off faster than the speed of his fingers on a Fender Telecaster.  OOPS!  Sorry Bill.

Wishing u all a splendid fall :)
XO Liza

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Thrifting for Moms!

A few mornings ago, a familiar sensation crept over me as I drank my morning tea. It was a feeling of inspired energy that can only be satisfied with a trip to the Sally Ann!!! (Or it could have been the caffeine - who knows.) So we went and it ended up being a really successful trip. I scored a wool pea-coat for fall, printed blouse, and a weird shirt for Hayden for $20!

Thrift store shopping is a practice I have continued to perfect over the years. Only now have I realized that I have developed my very own strategy to make the most of my shopping trips! Especially now that I have a little one who’s shopping-cart-sits are on a timer that I have no control over. There’s no leisurely strolling up every aisle to look at every article of clothing in hopes that no hidden gems are overlooked.

Here are a few key points I like to keep in mind when I venture out into the unpredictable world of second-hand shopping:

1. Make a “Wishlist”

Second hand shopping is a lot of hits and misses. Some days your cart will overflow with must-haves and sometimes you may only find a couple questionable (at best) items. Have a list of things you’d hope to find. Obviously, its all up to chance so you can’t be sure you’ll find anything on your list, but it helps. So when you first arrive, go directly to the areas of the items on your list so you can get that out of the way first.

2. Bring a Trusted Friend

Having someone with you who has the same taste really helps because then you can tag-team the store in half the time. Or else they can push your kid around in the cart without stopping while you shop. Anything to avoid in-store meltdowns.

3. Remember, Stuff Can be Altered

While perusing the “Long Coat” rack, you spot the perfect knee-length plaid trench. Your eyes light up! Could it be that I’ve found my woolen soul-mate? You check the size: Large? Maybe it will still fit. You slip it on. Not a chance. But wait! Don’t cry over over-sized garments! Get that bad boy altered! It will be worth it.

4. Trust Your Gut

I like treating thrift store shopping as kind of a spiritual experience! Sometimes if you just let your instincts guide you through the store, you’ll find the best pieces like you struck gold! And it will often feel like those pieces chose you.

Or, if you find you’re drawn to something totally outrageous but your logic is telling you, “You’ll look like a fool if you wear this!” Go with your gut! Sometimes those are the most important clothes to wear! Make an anti-fashion statement.

5.. Recycle

I am guilty of wanting to keep all of my clothes “just in case” they will ever come back into style. I recently just gave up a pair of pants I’d been holding onto since Gr.9. Some things you can justify keeping. If not for yourself, maybe you can pass it on to your kids; like an evening gown or other gently-worn, quality made items. But no one’s going to want your 15 dollar, wine-stained, stretched-out-after-only-1-wear Forever 21 bar dress. I just threw mine in the garbage. In retrospect, I maybe should have shredded the fabric for usage in craft projects of something. Darn. Oh well.

However, you gotta give to keep your Universal laws of abundance in motion!

6. Don’t wait for popular shopping times

Go mid-season. Or (if you’re crazy like me) shop for fall or winter in spring or summer when you know few people will be looking for the same styles.

7. Don’t Give Up on Your “Swag“!

I used to be a real fashionista. I loved clothes and trends and outfits and shoes. I loved shopping. Now that I’m a stay-at-home mom with no income, I do not shop. I feel like there’s this stereotype surrounding stay-at-home moms that they just go shopping all the time. Lets just say that wouldn’t go over too well with my husband. Also, we’re trying to save for our future home so that’s my top priority. Even if I did have $$ to shop, I don’t believe it’s possible with a toddler. I can’t even shop at JOE because my kid won’t sit in those double-decker Superstore shopping carts! Only the really deep ones can contain her.

Truth be told, I have accepted that of all the things in life that truly matter, “fashion” is certainly not one of them. But that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on my personal style altogether! I still like to stay in the loop of what‘s “in“. I have various fashion mag subscriptions acquired through my accumulation of Huggies Rewards Points! While I have no intention of replicating the multi-thousand dollar outfits in the pages of Vogue, they still bring some inspiration to my second hand shopping trips. Trends always seem to recycle themselves!


I hope this helped to inspire you guys to check out your nearest Value Village or Salvation Army! These are my faves. Because their shopping carts can contain my toddler.

XO Liza : )

Wednesday 4 September 2013

A “Meat-Free” (kind of) Family!

Hunting season is here and Ty has been busy target practicing in preparation of restocking our freezer. This time of year also marks the anniversary of my quitting meat. Here is the story about that:

Some years ago now, Tyler made an announcement that he was to become a hunter. I was heartbroken. Why would he want to go into the bush and shoot innocent dear running around minding their own business? I was horrified! What kind of a savage was I living with? So, in protest, I stopped eating meat.

My quitting eating meat was met with much exasperation from my family, being former hog farmers. Especially my mom who prides herself on her perfect pork roasts and beef stew. She’s still in denial. My mother-in-law still doesn’t know what to make for supper when I come over! My dad could actually care less what I eat.

Anyways, at first I intended to eat meat again once hunting season was over but it kind of just stuck with me. In the past, I only ever ate meat when someone else cooked it for me anyways because I’m a horrible cook. Problem solved. Also, I felt a lot better after assuming an all veg diet, both physically and consciously. I couldn‘t go back to eating meat again even if I‘d wanted to. That is the sheer power of my guilty conscience.

And I am incredibly healthy to boot!! (yes I just said “to boot”). Neither Hayden or I have been sick once in 2013. I have had 2 unbelievably healthy no meat pregnancies. Given birth to 1 extremely healthy 8.5 pound baby. And breastfed that baby into a giant, all on no meat. Just veggie lasagna! And beer! Jk.

I have since changed my stance on hunting. Those animals lived good lives. At least they got to see the sun and run around in the bush with their friends. Also, I feel like a Hunter must understand what it means to take the life of an animal, which is something we’re so far removed from when we see the tenderloin on the shelf at the store. Somewhere along the way, Tyler came to agree with my point of view. That is how he became a “Huntarian” (his term). He only eats hunted meat.

Just for the record, I don’t give a flying you-know-what about what anyone eats. I have never watched someone eat a steak and thought, “How COULD they??”. We all have our reasons for eating what we eat. I am more than happy to live peacefully amongst the meat-eaters but for some reason there’s that one person who always seems to want to throw these irrelevant factoids at me while I’m chewing my veggie burger: “Humans are supposed to eat meat because of our teeth bla bla bla”. OK I don’t care… “What do you do for protein?” Seriously?…

So in conclusion, wish Tyler luck this hunting season!


P.s. This post was originally filled with a lot more mumbo jumbo about vegetarian ideals but has been heavily revised. I have nothing to prove.