Wednesday 28 August 2013

Happy 1st Anniversary

Sunday, August 25th Tyler and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary! And wow did we celebrate! Well, we celebrated as much as one super pregnant person and one severely hungover person with a 23 month old possibly could. It was memorable! <3

We had no intention of doing anything epic for our 1st Anniversary. We’ve already been together 9 years and have never celebrated a single anniversary. It’s just never been big deal to us for some reason!  So when my parents gave us a gift card for a night’s stay at the Lakeview Hecla Resort and offered to take Hayden for the night, I was very excited to finally have something special to do to celebrate our anniversary.

I made the reservation for Sunday, the 25th, which was a week away at the time I booked it. For the whole week prior to the big day, I was like a child counting down to Christmas! I had hardly been away from Hayden for more than 24 hours since she’s been born! I desperately needed a break from our day-in day-out routine.

I packed everything the night before so we could leave right after breakfast and drop Hayden and the dog off. I wanted plenty of time to sit on the beach and hike the trails. Tyler must not have got this memo as much as I went on about my (our) big plans. I even warned him before he went out on Saturday night not to get too drunk because I wanted to leave early! These things are out of my control.

Alas, Sunday morning came and we left 2 hours later than planned. I ended up driving the entire way to Hecla with poor Tyler curled in fetal position in the passenger seat. Tyler, God bless him, when questioned about his condition would reply, “I feel awesome!!” before groaning and falling back to sleep.  I felt a panicked wave of infuriation wash over me as I imagined getting to the hotel and him sleeping our anniversary away while I swam in the pool by myself. NO! This was not how it would go down so help me God! I drove straight to the beach as planned, rolled Tyler out of his seat and down the rocky path to where we set up our towels by the water. Tyler resumed his fetal position as I sat and took in the beautiful surroundings. I discreetly observed a young family jumping in and out of a blow-up dingy and all of a sudden found myself weeping. At that, Tyler sat up and placed his arm around my shoulders, “What’s wrong?” he asked gently. I wanted to be mad at him for having a stupid hangover on the only day we’d ever had to celebrate our being together, but after 9 years, we’ve been down similar paths before and I‘ve learned which battles are better left alone. “I miss Hayden!” I blubbered as the tears rolled down my cheeks. It was the truth. It felt weird not having her right by my side as she is every day all day! After a few comforting words from Tyler, he convinced me to go for a swim. Something about being in the water miraculously cured Ty of his hangover, Hallelujah! I quickly forgot about Hayden and we went on to enjoy our anniversary as I’d fully intended. J

This was exactly the “baby break” I needed to realize how important it is to make time to just hang out with my husband. Being the introvert that I am, I often just want to be by myself at the end of the day when Hayden’s in bed. I just want to do my own solitary introverted things and not interact with anyone. But I guess its about finding that elusive balance so that you can enjoy every single moment of parenting, hobbies, marriage, etc. Sometimes I have it, something I don't.

What I DO know, is that after all these years with Ty there is still never a dull moment! I never ever feel like an old married couple, thank goodness. Also, I don’t mind tolerating a hangover here or there because I might just pay him back one day.

XO Liza

(Note: Ty's hangovers are very few and far between.  My husband is not an alcoholic.  Also, he did in fact get out of the car and walked to the beach by himself and was not actually rolled)


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