Wednesday 21 August 2013

Comparing Pregnancies

As my second pregnancy rounds the final bend, I can’t help but compare it to my first pregnancy with Hayden. Basically, it’s the exact same pregnancy so there’s not much contrast that I can reflect in this post.

I have gained the exact same amount of weight at the exact same intervals. My appetite is the exact same. I have yet to experience a text-book “pregnancy craving”. I have no more desire for ice-cream than I would if I wasn’t pregnant (but don’t tell Tyler or I won‘t have an excuse for his unnecessary ice-cream runs). My body generally feels the same as it did with my first pregnancy. Same morning sickness (nauseous all day for 1st 3 months), same hair growth, no swelling, no wonky skin issues, no stretch marks so far - knock on wood. Just an all around unremarkable pregnancy. My energy level is a little lower this time around. Most likely because I am now chasing a toddler all day instead of sitting at a desk.

For these reasons, I am assuming I am having another girl. I think it’s a fair assumption judging by the similarities in both pregnancies. I fear I’m putting way too many eggs in this basket and I will be very surprised when I’m told “it’s a boy!” Tyler wants it to be a surprise and that’s why we’re not finding out the sex but I am horrible with surprises! I want to get everything prepared, all the clothes where they need to be. I want to know if I can reuse my Hayden clothes or if I need new “boy” clothes.

The only real differences I can account for are those of the babies themselves. Hayden was rambunctious. Always flipping and rolling, kicking and punching. Number Two is way more tame. Just gentle jabs and pokes. I haven’t even felt one “roll” yet! Number Two likes to poke me in the ribs which is something I never felt with Hayden. I am so interested to see if these first “personality traits” have any correlation as to what kind of baby Number Two will be. All I can say is that he / she had better be patient because Hayden is kind of obsessed with me.

Heartburn! I've had NO heartburn this time and I had a lot of it with Hayden. And according to the old wives tale, if you have a lot of heartburn it means your baby will have a full head of hair, which Hayden did. Number Two will be bald I guess!

I enjoy being pregnant. I am in such awe of Nature every day. But I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. I mostly miss my workouts and running. I know lots of moms still run while pregnant but I’ve tried with both pregnancies and the baby seems to bounce right on top of my bladder which may not have a great outcome. I miss normal pants. I miss wine.

Also, there is one request I must make of the “Powers That Be” upon completion of this pregnancy: If you don’t mind, I will KEEP all of my hair this time. Please and Thank You. The boobs too if that’s not too much to ask. Just as they are right now! Great! Thanks! That is all!

Much love,


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