Wednesday 28 August 2013

Happy 1st Anniversary

Sunday, August 25th Tyler and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary! And wow did we celebrate! Well, we celebrated as much as one super pregnant person and one severely hungover person with a 23 month old possibly could. It was memorable! <3

We had no intention of doing anything epic for our 1st Anniversary. We’ve already been together 9 years and have never celebrated a single anniversary. It’s just never been big deal to us for some reason!  So when my parents gave us a gift card for a night’s stay at the Lakeview Hecla Resort and offered to take Hayden for the night, I was very excited to finally have something special to do to celebrate our anniversary.

I made the reservation for Sunday, the 25th, which was a week away at the time I booked it. For the whole week prior to the big day, I was like a child counting down to Christmas! I had hardly been away from Hayden for more than 24 hours since she’s been born! I desperately needed a break from our day-in day-out routine.

I packed everything the night before so we could leave right after breakfast and drop Hayden and the dog off. I wanted plenty of time to sit on the beach and hike the trails. Tyler must not have got this memo as much as I went on about my (our) big plans. I even warned him before he went out on Saturday night not to get too drunk because I wanted to leave early! These things are out of my control.

Alas, Sunday morning came and we left 2 hours later than planned. I ended up driving the entire way to Hecla with poor Tyler curled in fetal position in the passenger seat. Tyler, God bless him, when questioned about his condition would reply, “I feel awesome!!” before groaning and falling back to sleep.  I felt a panicked wave of infuriation wash over me as I imagined getting to the hotel and him sleeping our anniversary away while I swam in the pool by myself. NO! This was not how it would go down so help me God! I drove straight to the beach as planned, rolled Tyler out of his seat and down the rocky path to where we set up our towels by the water. Tyler resumed his fetal position as I sat and took in the beautiful surroundings. I discreetly observed a young family jumping in and out of a blow-up dingy and all of a sudden found myself weeping. At that, Tyler sat up and placed his arm around my shoulders, “What’s wrong?” he asked gently. I wanted to be mad at him for having a stupid hangover on the only day we’d ever had to celebrate our being together, but after 9 years, we’ve been down similar paths before and I‘ve learned which battles are better left alone. “I miss Hayden!” I blubbered as the tears rolled down my cheeks. It was the truth. It felt weird not having her right by my side as she is every day all day! After a few comforting words from Tyler, he convinced me to go for a swim. Something about being in the water miraculously cured Ty of his hangover, Hallelujah! I quickly forgot about Hayden and we went on to enjoy our anniversary as I’d fully intended. J

This was exactly the “baby break” I needed to realize how important it is to make time to just hang out with my husband. Being the introvert that I am, I often just want to be by myself at the end of the day when Hayden’s in bed. I just want to do my own solitary introverted things and not interact with anyone. But I guess its about finding that elusive balance so that you can enjoy every single moment of parenting, hobbies, marriage, etc. Sometimes I have it, something I don't.

What I DO know, is that after all these years with Ty there is still never a dull moment! I never ever feel like an old married couple, thank goodness. Also, I don’t mind tolerating a hangover here or there because I might just pay him back one day.

XO Liza

(Note: Ty's hangovers are very few and far between.  My husband is not an alcoholic.  Also, he did in fact get out of the car and walked to the beach by himself and was not actually rolled)


Wednesday 21 August 2013

Comparing Pregnancies

As my second pregnancy rounds the final bend, I can’t help but compare it to my first pregnancy with Hayden. Basically, it’s the exact same pregnancy so there’s not much contrast that I can reflect in this post.

I have gained the exact same amount of weight at the exact same intervals. My appetite is the exact same. I have yet to experience a text-book “pregnancy craving”. I have no more desire for ice-cream than I would if I wasn’t pregnant (but don’t tell Tyler or I won‘t have an excuse for his unnecessary ice-cream runs). My body generally feels the same as it did with my first pregnancy. Same morning sickness (nauseous all day for 1st 3 months), same hair growth, no swelling, no wonky skin issues, no stretch marks so far - knock on wood. Just an all around unremarkable pregnancy. My energy level is a little lower this time around. Most likely because I am now chasing a toddler all day instead of sitting at a desk.

For these reasons, I am assuming I am having another girl. I think it’s a fair assumption judging by the similarities in both pregnancies. I fear I’m putting way too many eggs in this basket and I will be very surprised when I’m told “it’s a boy!” Tyler wants it to be a surprise and that’s why we’re not finding out the sex but I am horrible with surprises! I want to get everything prepared, all the clothes where they need to be. I want to know if I can reuse my Hayden clothes or if I need new “boy” clothes.

The only real differences I can account for are those of the babies themselves. Hayden was rambunctious. Always flipping and rolling, kicking and punching. Number Two is way more tame. Just gentle jabs and pokes. I haven’t even felt one “roll” yet! Number Two likes to poke me in the ribs which is something I never felt with Hayden. I am so interested to see if these first “personality traits” have any correlation as to what kind of baby Number Two will be. All I can say is that he / she had better be patient because Hayden is kind of obsessed with me.

Heartburn! I've had NO heartburn this time and I had a lot of it with Hayden. And according to the old wives tale, if you have a lot of heartburn it means your baby will have a full head of hair, which Hayden did. Number Two will be bald I guess!

I enjoy being pregnant. I am in such awe of Nature every day. But I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. I mostly miss my workouts and running. I know lots of moms still run while pregnant but I’ve tried with both pregnancies and the baby seems to bounce right on top of my bladder which may not have a great outcome. I miss normal pants. I miss wine.

Also, there is one request I must make of the “Powers That Be” upon completion of this pregnancy: If you don’t mind, I will KEEP all of my hair this time. Please and Thank You. The boobs too if that’s not too much to ask. Just as they are right now! Great! Thanks! That is all!

Much love,


Wednesday 14 August 2013

Movin’ to the Country, Gonna something something something…

Tyler and I have been saying for years that we are moving to the country and we’re going to build a house. People ask us how our “plans are coming along” and we always say something like, “Ohhhh, they’re coming!” The small details change all the time and we have had plenty of “back-to-the-drawing-board” moments, but the Grand Plan remains the same: we will live in the country.

When I first met Tyler I remember him telling me, “I’m going to build my own house in the country one day.” If you knew Tyler back then, you would have responded, “Ya ok buddy!” But one thing people fail to understand about Tyler is that he always gets what he wants. I have learned, over the years, to stop fighting the “Will of Tyler“. When he wants something, it’s more than just an earnest desire or wishful thinking. It’s a powerful cosmic force that puts him in direct alignment with the object of his desire. There is no outside influence that can deter him. Don’t ask him “How?”, don’t ask him “When?”, and especially don’t ask him “Why?” because the details do not matter to him. Just trust him and he will always deliver.

Tyler’s determination can’t take all the credit for making this happen. Our moving to the country has been largely facilitated by my unbelievably kind and generous parents. As my dear father winds down his grain farming career, he has, for some reason, decided to bestow upon me a piece of land on which we will build our future home.

At first, this all seemed so simple. “Land!! We shall build a house on it!!” Not so. The process of building a house on farmland is far more complicated than I could have ever imagined. There are so many rules!! Basically, the municipality wants to keep farmland as is and prefers people to build their houses in town (is how I understand it). Land can only be subdivided into no less than 80 acres, so available places to build a house are actually really limited. Luckily for us, my dad is a “retiring” farmer, and he’s allowed to subdivide his 10 acre building site off the 80 acres its on leaving us a 70 acre chunk that we can theoretically build a house on. So begins the paperwork.

First, we had to apply for this subdivision through South Interlake Planning and the Rockwood Municipality. Forms were filled out, diagrams drawn, and submitted. We waited, not getting our hopes up. Finally, we received word from South Interlake Planning that the subdivision had been approved!!! Conditionally. So more diagrams were drawn, a team of surveyors were summoned, Manitoba Conservation was consulted, MTS had their input, etc. There is still a hearing to take place in town to discuss the “variance” of the 70 acre subdivision since it’s not what they normally allow (80 acres). We don’t expect this to have a negative outcome, but still, not getting our hopes up.

So that is where we stand with our plans in this very moment! As you now know, it’s a lot to break down for people. We still have a long way to go before we can “break ground”. Once the subdivision is officially approved, we’ll have to wait 4 months for it to be given a land title. Once the land has a title, we can go to the lawyer and have it transferred to my name. Once we have the land in our names, then we can get the bank involved.

There you have it! If we keep moving at a steady rate, we should probably be able to start building by June 2021! (jk. We hope spring/summer 2014.) But right now we’re just taking it one day at a time. And today we have a roof over our heads and that’s all we can ask for. J Thanks for joining me on our journey to becoming country bumpkins!



Tuesday 6 August 2013

5 Things its OK to Say to a “New Mom”

Lately I’ve been seeing tons of blogs advising us silly fools of everything we’ve been saying that has been offending people with life-paths different from our own.   Examples: “10 Things Not to Say to a Working Mom“; “20 Things You Shouldn’t Say to People Without Kids“; “7 Things You Don’t Say to Chihuahua Owners“; “125 Things to NEVER Tell a ‘New Mom”. And I’m over here like, “I ain’t saying shit to anyone anymore.” Because I am that socially awkward blabber-mouth who has probably said every offensive phrase on every single list (including: “How do you not accidentally step on your Chihuahua?”)

If any of you have ever felt like you just don’t know what is the right thing to say, allow me to throw you a bone here. The one area in life where I believe I have some knowledge is as a “New Mom”. Now, I’m no expert and I haven’t taken a poll, but based on my own experience, here are some things I believe you’d be safe to say to a mom with a new babe at home:

1. “What do you want from Tim Hortons/the store/Sushi Ya/the LC (jk…maybe) ?”

Basically, always assume a mom with a newborn wants something from somewhere. Especially if it’s a place involved with the production/sale of food. When you haven’t showered, changed out of your pj’s, and have a baby that wants to be fed every 2 hours, its not always easy for Mom to get out of the house.

So if you’re in the neighborhood of your New Mom friend, don’t be a afraid to swing by with a treat. It’s all about the treats, people! Those treats are well-deserved!

2. “He / She (baby) looks so healthy!”

If you have any thoughts otherwise, try to keep it on the DL because despite the baby’s appearance (small, red, yellow, misshapen head, gigantic) the baby is probably perfectly healthy. If there were anything to “worry“ about, Mom is already aware. “Oh, she has baby acne????! Thank you for letting me know because I haven’t even looked at her at all since she’s been home from the hospital!”

Plus, its really easy to freak out a new mom.

3. “You’re a natural!”

Positive encouragement only please! It’s hard getting the hang of things, give her a break! In the early days, nothing felt better than positive reassurance from friends and family. Sometimes there’s so much well-meaning advice coming from so many directions, it can make your head spin. I think its important for new moms to feel secure with their own maternal abilities and its sometimes discouraging to be given so many pointers! Sensitivity is key!

4. “I want to come by for 10 minutes to see the baby! Let me know whenever works!”

She will let you know, or she might not. Don’t take it personally if she doesn’t. Some moms are like, “Oh yeah! Come anytime! Door’s always open!” But for others, visiting is the last thing she wants to take part in while still adjusting to having a newborn at home. Understandably, its awkward trying to carry on a conversation while breast-feeding, burping, diaper-changing, and bouncing a crying baby.

I was horribly anti-social when Hayden was born. I thought, “Why is everyone so obsessed with seeing the baby!??!!” Because before I had a baby of my own, I didn’t really give a F about babies. But I totally get it now and this time around I will try to be more hospitable.

5. “What can I help you with around the house?”

Maybe some babies only sleep and eat and let their moms get stuff done, but mine did not. Wherever I went, Hayden went. Otherwise, I was listening to her cry which I didn’t like to do (what mom does?) But I totally didn’t mind holding her all the time! I never wanted to put her down and I loved every second of it! Sometimes she was fine in her Ergo-Baby carrier, but only as long as we kept moving! Meaning, no standing at the sink washing dishes, or sitting on the couch folding laundry.

People would always think that I needed a break from Hayden so they’d come and take her and say “Go do something!” Then I would drag my feet to the sink and wash the dishes and listen to someone else try to calm down my baby in the living room, longing to go “save” her. But, its my own fault, because I always felt bad asking other people to do my house-work.


I could go on and on about all my experiences, but I actually read somewhere that’s something you’re not supposed to do to a new mom, or people without children, so I’ll leave it at that. For now. Muahahaha.

Xoxo Liza



Thursday 1 August 2013

Welcome to the North End Oasis

Hayden and I have two homes. Our primary home and residence is a little white house in Winnipeg’s least desirable neighborhood which I like to call our “North End Oasis”. Our second home is the farm I grew up on and where my parents still live. I am grateful to have both places to resort to when city life becomes too constricting or when country life becomes too dull.

You can’t really know how naïve you are until you go from living in a tiny close-knit community to a neighborhood mostly inhabited by less-than-reputable characters. We have witnessed a lot of madness outside our front yard, but have also crossed paths with a few gems.

In the first few years we lived in the North End, some nights Tyler and I would sit on a now discarded couch in our front porch and just watch the scene in front of us. Since we’ve never had cable, I guess this was our version of some train-wreck reality show. One particular saga involved our neighbor, Danny, across the street and the flood of strange women that were always crawling in and out of his basement window. Danny was actually a nice guy, always waving at us and saying “Hi". The last time I saw him I was pushing Hayden in the stroller and he smiled and said, “Awe you had a baby!! Right on!!!” We’re not sure where he is now.

Despite the late-night pandemonium, I have always felt safe on my little Oasis. A lot of people are surprised by this but I honestly feel like our house exists inside an impenetrable bubble. We’ve never been victims of crime even though our neighbors haven‘t been so lucky. I think the first winter we lived here our snow shovels got stolen but that’s about it. Excuse me while I go find some wood to knock on.

It’s cheap to live in the North End! I don’t understand why more people don’t buy houses here. The immigrants have figured it out! When will everyone else? Amongst the friendliest neighbors are the immigrant families. When we move, I will dearly miss my neighbor, John, and his big Philippine family BBQ’s. The loud conversation and even louder laughter that makes me laugh even though I never know what they’re ever talking about.  Often when he BBQ’s he shares with us.   Our other neighbor, Jose (now moved) was a young El Salvadorian man who always invited us to come pick whatever we wanted from his tiny garden and apple tree. He and Tyler would often help each other out with random acts of heavy-lifting and the moving of furniture.

Another demographic there’s no shortage of in the North End are senior citizens. They have lived in the neighborhood forever and still treat it like the place it once was (which was apparently pleasant and respectable). They all take pride in their charming little flower beds with their quirky (sometimes creepy) lawn ornaments. Most are friendly, some not so much. Our next-door neighbor, Norma, was as friendly as they get! There was no end to her generosity, particularly with baked goods. Once in a while, I would go sit with her and drink tea and listen to her stories. She would tell me about every single person in her entire Italian family, what they did for a living, what their hobbies were, how much money they made, etc. I enjoyed it! She has since moved into a retirement home and I really miss her! When she moved, she gave us her patio swing and Hayden and I swing on it every day.

Tyler and I plan to one day live in the country near my parents farm. The reason we want to live in the country is for the freedom, the space, the privacy and to be surrounded by nature. We don’t like having neighbors 4 feet away at all times! Now, I feel guilty saying that since the only neighbors I’ve ever known have been genuinely kind-hearted and lovely people. I will miss having neighbors!

Until we are able to make the move from city life to country life, our little home is perfect for us. The fact that it’s tiny doesn’t bother me now that I know Norma raised her own 5 children in a house even smaller! And they’re all rich now! So maybe we should just stay here! ;)

Xoxo Liza