Thursday 18 September 2014

Prairie Love

Two Sundays ago now I attended the first annual Prairie Love Yoga Festival.  I've been writing this blog post ever since, adding and revising things which is annoying to me because I like to just write what I'm thinking at the time and then post it.  Tonight I can't sleep and this topic is on my mind again so here I go....

As soon as I heard about the Prairie Love Yoga Festival back in June I knew I had to attend.  I'd been dreaming of getting back into a yoga practice after having Deacon so I figured this was a good way to kick start things.  But also, it was the name that struck a chord in my heart, "Prairie Love...". 

I feel deeply deeply rooted to the prairies.  I don't know what it is, but I just love it.  I'm not going to attempt to pin-point my reasoning.  Yes, my entire family is here.  Yes, this is where my home is.  But that's not it and I can't quite put my finger on it.  I strongly feel that people should do exactly what they feel in their hearts they need to do and I simply have never felt called to relocate myself to another area of the county or world for that matter.

Sometimes it seems like there's this "traveling vs. having babies" debate going on.  I've read many a blog listing reasons for people to see the world.  Maybe I'm writing this because part of me wonders if I should have done more of that before having children.  Yet at the same time, all I remember wanting to do from a young age was have a family to share my love with where someone else may have always wanted to explore the Earth.  I can't describe what a truly phenomenal experience it is to have a heart so full of love for your children.  But I would never make a blog post titled "10 Reason's To Have Children" because I know that is a path that not everyone feels the need to follow!  Bottom line - let's all just follow our own bliss because we all know that no amount of persuasion can convince someone to do something they don't feel is right for them.  Obviously you can travel AND have children.  Maybe I'll hit the road in the future, who knows?!?!

So many people leave the prairies for the coasts.  They want to be by the ocean.  I get that.  It's no secret that being by a large body of water is super good for the soul.  But what about the wide open spaces and gigantic skies of the prairies?  Is that not good for the soul too?  I feel that it is.  Today when I was out running on the country roads it occured to me that I couldn't feel any more free anywhere else in the world.  Not on the top of a mountain or at the seashore.  I like being in a place where I can literally walk in any one direction with no obsticals in my way.  Its just fields and sky.  No giant trees, mountains, ocean.  It's so simple.

I feel so grateful to the women who coordinated the Prairie Love Yoga Festival for recognizing that there is so much beauty and love here in the prairies.  There is a power here that is so often overlooked and so taken for granted.  All we have to do is spread it!

XO Liza

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