Wednesday 24 September 2014

Two Sick Kids

When Hayden was a baby she got this terrible cold.  She was all stuffed up and boogery and just grouchy all day long.  She couldn't nurse, drink her bottles, or suck on her soother because her nose was too plugged.  One night I just could not get her to sleep and she cried and cried.  I think she must have been around 9 or 10 months old at this point.  We ended up taking her for a car ride to calm her down and when it seemed like she could breathe through her nose I gave her a bottle in the car and she eventually fell asleep.  We carefully transferred her to her crib when we got home.

So now that Hayden and Deacon are BOTH sick it's just a bit more challenging.  Hahah.  Today is Day 3 for Deacon and Hayden is pretty much over it.  Deacon's temperament is a little bit more complacent than Hayden was at the same age so he's not unbearably irritable.  For Hayden, even the smallest discomfort turns her into a completely different child.

Getting them to bed has been the hardest part.  Hayden was up until almost 1am on Saturday because she just couldn't seem to fall asleep with her stuffy nose.  Even once she's asleep it's still not the end of it.  I am now seeing a pattern with Hayden that she has horrible horrible nightmares when she's sick.  Thankfully that's not very often.  I'm always in and out of her room at night as she rolls around in her bed crying.  On Sunday night I went in her room and she was thrashing all around and screaming.  I couldn't manage to calm her down so I woke Tyler up and he went in there and got her to relax.  When we asked her what was wrong she pointed at me and said, "You go away!!"  Fine with me!  I gladly went back to bed.  Tyler decided to sleep with her in case it happened again which it did.  But the second time it took a lot for us to get her to calm down.  It was actually really scary.  She was asleep yet her eyes were half open looking around but not focusing on anything.  She was calling "Mommy mommy!!" but even though I was right there saying "Mommy's here!!" she wasn't hearing me!  I thought she was definitely possessed.  I know this sounds mean but we even sprinkled cold water on her face to get her to snap out of it.  She eventually woke up and even though she was all sweaty she couldn't remember any of it except for having watered poured on her face.  Poor thing.

Deacon is difficult to put to sleep at the best of times.  Deacon's sleeping patterns (which have become A LOT better in the past month) need a blog post all of their own.  Today seems to be Deacon's worst day.  He's also teething so that doesn't help his situation.  He just cut a top tooth yesterday!  I was hoping he would be feeling better so I could take them to play group tomorrow but they're still pretty boogery and we don't need to be passing that on.

So my house is covered with baby boogers and I am covered in baby boogers and we're all sleep deprived at the moment.  BUT this too shall pass, right? 

Apparently neither child is napping today so we're going to go to Walmart instead and look for birthday party stuff!  Wish me luck!  hahah

XO Liza

Thursday 18 September 2014

Prairie Love

Two Sundays ago now I attended the first annual Prairie Love Yoga Festival.  I've been writing this blog post ever since, adding and revising things which is annoying to me because I like to just write what I'm thinking at the time and then post it.  Tonight I can't sleep and this topic is on my mind again so here I go....

As soon as I heard about the Prairie Love Yoga Festival back in June I knew I had to attend.  I'd been dreaming of getting back into a yoga practice after having Deacon so I figured this was a good way to kick start things.  But also, it was the name that struck a chord in my heart, "Prairie Love...". 

I feel deeply deeply rooted to the prairies.  I don't know what it is, but I just love it.  I'm not going to attempt to pin-point my reasoning.  Yes, my entire family is here.  Yes, this is where my home is.  But that's not it and I can't quite put my finger on it.  I strongly feel that people should do exactly what they feel in their hearts they need to do and I simply have never felt called to relocate myself to another area of the county or world for that matter.

Sometimes it seems like there's this "traveling vs. having babies" debate going on.  I've read many a blog listing reasons for people to see the world.  Maybe I'm writing this because part of me wonders if I should have done more of that before having children.  Yet at the same time, all I remember wanting to do from a young age was have a family to share my love with where someone else may have always wanted to explore the Earth.  I can't describe what a truly phenomenal experience it is to have a heart so full of love for your children.  But I would never make a blog post titled "10 Reason's To Have Children" because I know that is a path that not everyone feels the need to follow!  Bottom line - let's all just follow our own bliss because we all know that no amount of persuasion can convince someone to do something they don't feel is right for them.  Obviously you can travel AND have children.  Maybe I'll hit the road in the future, who knows?!?!

So many people leave the prairies for the coasts.  They want to be by the ocean.  I get that.  It's no secret that being by a large body of water is super good for the soul.  But what about the wide open spaces and gigantic skies of the prairies?  Is that not good for the soul too?  I feel that it is.  Today when I was out running on the country roads it occured to me that I couldn't feel any more free anywhere else in the world.  Not on the top of a mountain or at the seashore.  I like being in a place where I can literally walk in any one direction with no obsticals in my way.  Its just fields and sky.  No giant trees, mountains, ocean.  It's so simple.

I feel so grateful to the women who coordinated the Prairie Love Yoga Festival for recognizing that there is so much beauty and love here in the prairies.  There is a power here that is so often overlooked and so taken for granted.  All we have to do is spread it!

XO Liza

Tuesday 9 September 2014

So Long, Summer

My mind is actually blown at how quickly summer flew by.  Is time not speeding up???  I think so.  I'd like to think we made the most of this summer.  We went camping twice, spent plenty of time in the park, had a number of picnics, and had a few good swims.  It is now apparent that Hayden has inherited Ty's Ukrainian skin since she is already far more tanned than I have ever been in my life, and that's with being sufficiently shielded from the sun so I don't know how that happened.

Fall always just creeps up on us all of a sudden doesn't it!?  August is jumpstarted with this epic long weekend and everything is saturated in sunny summer bliss.  Then 3.5 short weeks later, summer is over and it feels sort of like a nasty trick.

Compared to July with it's full schedule, August was a clean slate.  We totally made our schedule up as we went along and it was really nice.  We listened to lots of live music going on around downtown and The Forks.  Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at The Cube/Old Market Square there were live acts at lunch time so we took advantage of that when we could.  It's easy for us to go downtown on the bus since we live so close to Main Street.  It's literally not even 10 minutes and it's so nice not having to drive around trying to find somewhere to park.  Other than that, we had a few awesome playdates and made some new friends.

Quarry Days weekend was memorable.  I had fully intended to take Hayden to watch the parade and then go on some rides and check out the petting zoo on Saturday morning, BUT the night before Tyler decided to make margaritas which turned out to have way more alcohol in them than it tasted like.  Before he mixed them I strictly said, "Not too strong! I don't want to get drunk!"  I had no idea.  It doesn't help that I've hardly drank anything since before being pregnant.  I felt so horrible the next day, I couldn't do a damn thing and I even lost my hangover KD on the side of #8 hwy (a first for me).  So I layed in bed at the farm all day while my mom and nana played with Deacon.  Tyler took Hayden to the midway.  It worked out in Hayden's favour because I would have never taken her on The Sizzler and let her have mini donuts for supper.  I was magically feeling better at around 7:00 after eating a pickle and so Tyler and I went back to town and went on some rides.

The day after, the kids and I attended a friend's baby shower and it was just beautiful.  I could have easily eaten all the food and cupcakes and even the insanely gorgeous cake that actually looked too lovely to eat.  I've realized that I've become one of those people I hated when Hayden was a newborn.  I'm now obsessed with newborns and babies.  Because I value my friendships, I will totally control my baby hoarding urges.

On August 23rd Tyler's dad got married to his longtime girlfriend, Pete.  It was such a wonderful wedding!  Just a small backyard event.  Everything was so nice and very "them".  The weather was a bit tempermental that day but it ended up cooperating perfectly.

The long weekend was pretty uneventful!  I took Hayden and Deacon down to the Forks for the Prairie Barge Festival on Saturday night.  I hope they continue to organize this event for future summers because I really enjoy it!!  I generally just enjoy The Forks at all times.  Hayden and I would go there quite often when she was around Deacon's age but we had to stop when Hayden got to the age where she wanted to run away from me and apparently never come back.  Just when you think they're out of the stage where they take off running in the opposite direction they go into escape mode when you least expect it.  At least Hayden does.  We had a rather embarrassing run around Target the evening before Tyler's dad's wedding.  Haha.

So now you go outside in the evenings and sniff the air and you know that familiar smell!  It's fall!  For me, it's grain dust - the unmistakable smell of harvest.  The days are getting shorter and the temperatures dip way down at night.  Tyler and I have begun our annual dispute over which window to leave open at night and how wide.

As of right now, we're off to Dollarama to search for birthday supplies for Hayden's 3rd birthday party!  Only one of the many fall birthdays for members of our family.

Happy Fall every one!

XO Liza